Grant guidelines Field trips / Research stays



Grant period

The grant period is outlined in the grant letter or in the later submitted notice. The Carlsberg Foundation must approve any change in the grant period.

Any request of change in the grant period must be submitted via the Carlsberg Foundation application and grant system (CF-Grant), no later than one month before the end of the grant period.

If the funding has not been fully used at the expiration of the grant period, the remainder of the grant will be repealed.

Disbursement of grants

Any grant disbursement requests must be submitted via the Carlsberg Foundation application and grant system (CF-Grant). 

Administration of the grant

The grant should be administrated by the Danish institution where the project is conducted.

Redistribution of budget lines

If the redistribution of individual budget lines exceeds 25%, the redistribution must be approved in advance by the Carlsberg Foundation.

Change of grant holder

A grant from the Carlsberg Foundation is given to the main applicant.

In situations regarding job change or death the grant is, by standard, void. Transference of a grant to another person requires an exceptional reason and must be approved by the Carlsberg Foundation. 

Communication and publication

In interviews with journalists and contact with the media about your research, we encourage you to state that your research is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation. Furthermore, it should preferably be clearly stated in all peer-reviewed publications, conference proceedings, monographs etc. that your research is funded by the foundation. This is done by adding the following statement to the Acknowledgments: “The work presented here is supported by the Carlsberg Foundation, grant CF00-0000”.

Patenting, licensing agreements, and sale of knowhow

Any invention or utility model produced by employees as a result of work on a project financed by the Carlsberg Foundation must be handled by the host institution according to their internal guidelines.

The Carlsberg Foundation does not take ownership of or require any rights to Intellectual Property resulting from activities supported by the grant.


A scientific and financial report must be submitted no later than three months after the termination of the grant period. The reports must be submitted via the Carlsberg Foundation application and grant system (CF-Grant) using the Carlsberg Foundation reporting templates.

The grant will terminate when the Carlsberg Foundation has approved the reporting.

If a grant holder does not follow the reporting guidelines, the Carlsberg Foundation has the right to demand the grant either partly or fully repaid.

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