Making the 18th century accessible

Navn på bevillingshaver

Nina Koefoed


Aarhus University


DKK 341,508




Research Infrastructure


The project will develop digital research tools to support large-scale analysis of 18th century handwritten texts. This involves training of an AI model in Transkribus to read 18th century handwritten sources automatically. The AI model will open the hitherto computationally-inaccessible mass of 18th century Danish handwritten sources for digital research. Further, a transcription viewing and editing platform will be built to index and enrich transcribed sources collaboratively. This will enable expert annotation of the sources and enable us to use digital methods not otherwise applicable on early modern sources. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Aarhus City Archive, Center for Digital History Aarhus (AU) and Center for Humanities Computing Aarhus (AU)

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